With AutoBus, all bus routes are client controlled for all program hours. This includes all stops, events and collateral distribution our clients wish to include. This flexibility allows targeting on both a geographic and/or demographic level.
Additionally, many markets have transit restrictions on certain products and types of creative (for instance alcohol advertising). Far fewer (if any) of these restrictions apply to AutoBus giving you access to markets which are otherwise not available. Please call us to discuss individual market questions. All programs have GPS tracking as an available option.
AutoBus makes a tremendous impact with pedestrian and vehicular traffic alike. Our buses deliver approximately 25% more usable advertising space than city buses. An AutoBus from 20 feet away (a typical vehicular and pedestrian viewing distance) has the equivalent visual impact of a 100+ foot billboard! Unlike standard billboards, AutoBus is always viewed at eye level making your advertising program impossible to miss!
AutoBus delivers fantastic creative flexibility for your programs. Because the city bus restrictions for creative do not apply to AutoBus, creative departments have many more options at their disposal. If you want to add props to the bus, that can be done. Spinners on the wheels? It can be done. These are just a couple of examples. We're sure you can think of more!
AutoBus Media
7 Skyline Drive
Suite 350
Hawthorne, NY 10532